Morgan Dollar

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Morgan Dollar
Dates not listed $16-up
1878CC $50
1879CC $100
1881CC $250
1882CC, 83CC, 84CC $50
1885CC 350
1889CC $600
1890CC-1891CC $50
1892CC $100
1893CC $150
1893S $2000
1894 $800
1895 $20,000
1895 “O” $200
1895S $400
1903 “O” $200

The Morgan dollar coin was minted from 1878 to 1904, and then again in 1921. It was the first standard silver dollar coin minted since production of the previous design, the Seated Liberty dollar, ceased due to the passage of the Coinage Act of 1873, which also ended the free coining of silver. The Morgan dollar coin is named for its United States Mint Assistant Engraver George T. Morgan. The obverse depicts a profile portrait representing Liberty, while the reverse depicts an eagle with outstretched wings.

Note: Posted prices are for REFERENCE ONLY. Exact prices depend on dates, condition and current market. Better dates pay more.

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